Words from our chair,

As mentioned recently we need to find out your views on EPIC's future. A great deal of work has been done and continues to be done both obviously and behind the scenes by the committee. Initially we thought it would be for a few months, now a year later we are still struggling with Covid and our industry will continue to do so for at least a few more months. So we need to know what you would like EPIC to be, if indeed you want it to carry on after this immediate Covid crisis is over. If you do then we need to know what you want it to be, who you want it to be composed of and who you want it to represent.
In order to hold elections for the committee we need to formulate ourselves properly with defined members who can stand for election, who can vote in that election and decide the future of EPIC going forward

For EPIC to continue it needs to have some funding: to pay for a website, Mail chimp, some admin and some PR & marketing. All these have been provided by individuals upto now. PR and marketing particularly has been provided in abundance and free of charge by Aileen Galvin, Steph Edwards, Kathryn Mason, Sabrina Sheehan and Justin Green over the last year. We thank them for their tremendous input and support but we cannot go on relying on good will; this needs to be put on a professional basis.
So there will have to be a membership fee. We will keep this as low as possible particularly in this first year when everyone is still out of work, but we do need to have some form of fee.
If we are receiving monies we need proper governance and accountability. If we are holding elections we need to have a way of defining who can stand for election and who can vote
Being on the committee is extremely hard work and requires time and energy. We would like to give you all your say in who should be on that committee and give you a chance to stand for election, if you would like to.
So please fill in the survey - lets us know your views and where you want EPIC to go. Its very important that we receive as many answers from as many people as possible in order for EPIC to be representative of those who want to be its members and the survey will form the primary contact list for membership.
Thanks very much. Hoping we will all meet again in a muddy field or a hot sweaty venue sometime in the not too distant future.

Hello, World!


365 days of darkness


EPIC Statement of 2021 Objectives