EPIC Statement of 2021 Objectives

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2020 saw incredible efforts from many groups within the Commercial Events Sector, working tirelessly to secure funding and support for our people, and our businesses while we wait patiently for the industry to reopen.

This was, as they say, a year like no other.

Naturally this has led to a variety of focusses, and EPIC would like to make clear its objectives as we set sail into another year of the unknown.

We exclusively support, and are pursuing the following goals:

  • Continuation of the PUP and EWSS schemes for the duration of the pandemic, and until our work can resume as normal.

  • Rent and Mortgage supports for workers whose jobs have been suspended by the pandemic.

  • Creation of a scheme similar to, or adaption of the CRSS, to enable our businesses to avail of

    much needed financial support to stay closed.

  • Expansion of the LPSS, the pilot of which was very successful, to accommodate the wide variety

    of events, entertainers, venues and crews, who similarly to the pilot, will be able to take on paid

    work, leading to both financial security and mental wellbeing.

  • Implementation of recommendations made by the Arts and Culture Recovery Task Force.



  • Swift movement on Recommendation 1 – establishing the pilot of a Universal Basic Income and expansion of the scheme for Professional Artists on Jobseeker’s Allowance (JA) to encompass technical workers as well as artists, this will safe guard our people’s financial security in the event of a prolonged return to work for the industry.

  • Continued support for Minding Creative Minds, whose essential services have been used by many of our members. http://mindingcreativeminds.ie/

  • Fundraising and support for the AIST hardship fund which has supported some 313 individuals, and has distributed some €156,500 to date. https://www.aist.ie/hardshipfund/

    Throughout 2021 our focus will be on achieving these goals, and helping our people, and our businesses to survive the storm.


