Positive meeting with Minister Catherine Martin

Today the EPIC WG had a productive and positive meeting with Minister Catherine Martin and members of the The Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media. Topics that were discussed included ;


  • The LPSS was discussed at length, with EPIC outlining the positive feedback from participants and also lessons learnt from the pilot scheme. Minister Martin outlined that the most important priority of the department at present, is the full distribution of the allocated 50m fund from the October Budget 2021 to the live events sector.

  • Minister Martin accepted there were certain sectors within the industry who didn’t qualify previously and efforts will be made to include them in the future.

  • The Minister understood how urgent this is that the LPSS is implemented as soon as possible and confirmed that a senior civil servant has been appointed to oversee and implement this.


  • The minister has met with the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, the Minister for Finance,  and the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform and is aware that they are actively looking at a business support scheme to help those who did not qualify for the CRSS. The minister understands EPIC concerns on this and will be lending her support to the urgent implementation of such a scheme.

  • The minister noted that the recovery taskforce had recommended this and EPIC looks forward to an announcement.


  • EPIC emphasised the necessity for the PUP and rent supplements to continue until the events sector is fully back at work.  The minister will raise this matter with the Dept. of Social Protection.

  • The minister is also pursuing the UBI, and for technicians to be added to the “Scheme for Professional Artist on Job Seekers Allowance”

Arts & Recovery Task Force:

  • Epic thanked the Minister for acting so quickly on the recommendation in the Arts & Culture Task Force report, for a programme that provides wellbeing support for the creative sector. The financial support given to Minding Creative Minds is a welcome investment into this essential service and look forward to this being sustained into future years.

  • Epic did raise concerns that at the oversight committee had not yet been appointed for the task force. Minister Martin expects this committee to be appointed in the next few weeks.

EPIC raised concerns re insurance for both promoters and SMEs to enable them to begin planning for events and the possibility of a fund similar to insurance funds announced across EU nations and being considered in other countries. The Minister assured us she would consider these concerns.




EPIC are in discussion