Media Release 20.08


  • Events industry still in confusion following Governments conflicting messages regarding professionally organised indoor and outdoor events.

  • The events industry calls on Government for definitive guidance for the sector and an end to miscommunication.

  • EPIC calls on Government to urgently assemble a taskforce that includes event industry experts, to protect a €1.7bn* industry from total decimation.

Thursday 20 th August 2020 – For Immediate Release

Following the confused messaging from the Government last night and today (Wednesday 19 th and Thursday 20 th August 2020), regarding the numbers allowed to attend indoor and outdoor organised live events, the board of EPIC today called for definite clarity on what exactly is allowed. This morning’s announcement still gives no clarity on live spaces such as music venues or outdoor professionally organised events. Many professional event organisers are still unsure if they can run small shows in August and early September as planned. The industry has been in limbo over the last number of weeks and the Governments lack of consistency in guidance is having untold negative impact on both the sector and the public.

  • Tuesday August 18 th 5.30pm– Taoiseach Micheál Martin announces no more than 6 people indoors allowed and 15 people outdoors.

  • Wednesday August 19 th 8am – Senator Malcolm Byrne says live events are exempt and can have 50 people indoors and 200 outdoors. o

  • Wednesday August 19 th 6pm – Minister Stephen Donnelly says no live events are allowed and only 6 people allowed indoors and 15 people outdoors.

  • Thursday August 20 th 11am – Government announcement that live events can run in theatres for 50 people but still no clarity on live entertainment venues.

This sector is being prevented from earning a living, it is at zero income and is already on the verge of collapse. The industry is already on its knees, and in severe peril, and these repeated miscommunications have caused enormous distress and worry for thousands of events and arts professionals who are trying to get back to work by planning safe, controlled events, strictly in line with government guidance. The events sector has been disproportionately affected by the pandemic: it was the first industry to shut down in March and will be the last industry to return. It is estimated that in 2020 there will be a 90% + drop in revenue within the live events industry, with 92% of the 25,000+ Event and Arts workers incomes impacted the Events and Arts industry is worth 1.7 Billion Euro* to Ireland each year.

EPIC calls for three key Government support:

  • Establish a cross departmental task force on the live events sector; it is now imperative that the government bring this to fruition so that the voices of the commercial live events sector can be heard if there is to be any chance of saving this sector.

  • Extension of the full PUP for the live event sector until the mass gathering ban and social distancing restrictions are lifted and the industry can get back to work.

  • A multiple of the grant funding given to the Arts Council to support artists, arts workers and arts organisations must now be invested in the commercial live events sector which accounts for 90% of all ticket sales in Ireland and has never before received any grant funding from government, it is imperative that this happens immediately to save the Businesses, Venues, Festivals, Events, Artists and Skilled Crew that earn their living from the sector supporting over 25,000 jobs

On September 16th, EPIC calls the commercial live events sector to action, with a meeting of the sector to highlight the industry challenges and needs. Based on the current government public health advice the numbers in attendance will be extremely limited and only key personnel will be in attendance. There will also be a number of regional events, which will strictly adhere to all health and safety guidelines. These events will be produced in accordance with how EPIC members always work, high quality, high levels of production and with the safety of both public and crew as the first priority. Full details will be issued early next week. 

#1609 #AllInThisTogether 


Twitter: @EPIC2020_Group Insta: @epic_workinggroup    

*Source Let’s Celebrate 2017 Report – please click here for full report


